Education Game
Design Process
To begin, we focused on the information we wanted to portray. A lot of information is attached to the subject of diabetes, but over informing the public could result in disinterest or confusion. So, we wanted to keep our information as concise as possible. We decided to focus on a detailed explanation of how diabetes works on the cellular level, as well as symptoms and treatments suggestions, as we felt that that was the most potent combination.
We then moved on to actually designing the game play. This was the most crucial step, as this is what would have to synthesis user engagement and the display of information in an effective manner.

Once we decided on how the game should be structured, we moved on to coding the actions and animations in the game using Unity (a game-developing-software), as well as designing and drawing graphics using Adobe Illustrator.
After finishing coding and modeling of each individual level, we build the main level menu and arrange the levels in sequence.
Once we run and test the game, we exported the files out in the form of assets that could be embedded in websites, Windows system, Android and IOS platforms.